
ARP Games

Company: ARP Games Lecturer: Remigiusz Kopoczek

Company: ARP Games
Lecturer: Remigiusz Kopoczek

Date: 2.12.2017
Place: The Communication University of China (CUC)

ARP Games


The main goal of ARP Games is supporting the development of the video games industry in Poland. Our support includes both financial and organisational help, as well as developing professional competences of future and present game designers. The main idea of accelerator is a possibility of receiving help in the production of an original game idea by individuals without an access to necessary financial, organisational and personnel resources. The effect of the accelerating programme will be the creation of new companies equipped in all essential tools, financing and, most importantly, the guidance of mentors. Depending on the teams’ needs the support may also include help in promoting and acquiring further financing for the project.

Everything about ARP Games [https://arpgames.pl/en/home/]


Gry_02_ARP_Kopoczek Remigiusz

Remigiusz Kopoczek, PhD. President of the Board in ARP Games ltd. – video games accelerator. Assistant Proffesor at University of Silesia/ Faculty of Arts. Co-creator of the first Polish video games course for BA and MA degrees. Laurate of the Prize of Ministry of Science in Poland for the best program of BA video games course.